BIG Gallery WP – Fullscreen Photography/Portfolio


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Long awaited WordPress version of popular “Big Gallery HTML/CSS site template” is finally live!

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  • Fill, uncut, full width or full height fullscreen slideshow (set it separately for home page and other pages)
  • Autoplay slideshow, swipe support for touch screens
  • Full screen video background (you can use self hosted MP4 file, Youtube or Vimeo)
  • Auto-hide navigation
  • 2 Skins: Dark and Light
  • 10 logo designs, each with dark and light version (PSD)
  • 8+ portfolio types (fullscreen, slideshow, filterable and classic)
  • Unique filterable modern blog (+3 other layouts)
  • 600+ Google fonts for headers and body text
  • Multilevel menu
  • Fancybox gallery
  • Ajax contact form with real-time validation and CAPCHA protection
  • Twitter Integration
  • Custom widgets
  • Shortcodes editor
  • Advanced theme options
  • 29 social icons
  • 21 stock sites icons to sell your photos better
  • Cross-browser compatibility (IE8/9/10/11, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
  • Valid HTML & CSS
  • Audio support (global, and separately for every page)
  • Translation ready (and already contains language files for English, German, Russian and Polish lang)
  • All photos included
  • Responsive design – mobile and tablet ready
  • Facebook compatible – live preview

You can find few fullscreen themes, but if you’re a photographer, you know how important is composition. Fullscreen photos are always cut or stretched, so they don’t look as you wanted.
BIG Gallery allows you to choose from 4 ways of fullscreen slideshow. You can fill all screen with the image, fill full width or height. You can also automatically adjust images to prevent them from being cut. You can change slideshow type separately for every page.

Take a look at the example:

Filled image (cut on the top and bottom)


Uncut image (all visible)



Check it yourself (you can play with browser size – slideshows are fully responsive):


BIG Gallery has another unique feature. Logo, menu and other elements are autohiding after few seconds if you don’t move the mouse (this can be set with theme options). So now you can see only photos! If you move the mouse, navigation will show up. Open live preview and wait for 2 seconds (do not move the mouse).

Support & Customization

If you have any questions, feel free to email me via my user page contact form here.

I’m offering installation and customization of this template based on my hourly rate: 30$/hour. Use a contact form on my profile page if you are interested.


Video files are not included, but you can buy by them from the authors:

Audio file is included, but if you want use it on your website, you must give credit to the author:
Act Cool ( Roman Holiday ) by Loveshadow is licensed under a Attribution.

Not sure? Check what other say in reviews!

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And some more testimorials:

MAGAZINEstudio says

Wow, fantastic design!
Good luck dude!

ffabris says

VERY nice design! Purchased! Even though I wasn?t looking to replace a theme, I will now.

NoahjChampion says

@johnnychaos! Pretty bad ass theme man! Definitely bookmarked for a photography client! Very awesome, and nice selection of music.

I think your profile picture and username make sense because your killing it on the theme man, #Kudos

sterlingwilliam says

SOOOO $IICCCK Wow, like I just watched an amazing Movie (hey, put the headphones on and You ARE There!!) #MuchRESPECT #JohnnyChaosROCK$

gtantra says

Hi Johnny , very unique and beautiful design here. and the image pixel effect -mind-blowing. Im sure to buy this soon for my next client .

cvcasalena says

Totally blown away by your great theme and good coding ? here?s our result

Well-done! Hope you put a video portfolio version soon!

Claudia says

welcome to artists site… you are the man, this is just great… […]

And so on…  :). Thank you all for kind words (and constructive suggestions)!


Updates history

04.04.2017 – version 2.0.10

- turning off chaptcha error fixed

updated files:  inc/custom-template.php

17.01.2017 – version 2.0.9

- minor improvements

updated files:  single.php

13.04.2016 – version 2.0.7

- WP 4.5 compatibility

updated files:  js/filterable/js/filterable.pack.js

29.02.2016 – version 2.0.7

- removed deprecated eregi() function - PHP7 compatibility
- fixed background image issues on mobiles

updated files:  js/big_gallery.js, php/validate.php

15.02.2016 – version 2.0.6

- improved video display on mobiles
- improved gallery display on mobiles

updated files:  js/big_gallery.js

11.12.2015 – version 2.0.5

- replaced deprecated sidebar functions.

updated files: sidebar.php, sidebar-page.php, bg-popular-posts-widget.php, bg-tweet-widget.php

14.11.2015 – version 2.0.4

- CSS improvements.

updated files: css/css.css, css/dark.css, css/light.css, css/media_queries.css

24.08.2015 – version 2.0.4

- ResponsiveSlides gallery bug on mobiles fixed
- Added German translation & language files

10.06.2015 – version 2.0.3

- No sidebear blog bug fixed

03.04.2015 ? version 2.0.2

- added optional sidebar for pages
- wordpress video player fullscreen option fix
- image fallback for fullscreen video on mobiles added

22.10.2014 – version 2.0.1

- Fixed bud with font selector in theme options
- Translation fixes
- Added po & mo files for Russian and Polish language

14.10.2014 – version 2.0.0

- vimeo, youtube as fullscreen background
- option to set ?menu closed? on all pages
- google fonts support for headers and body text
- option to change "hover text color" 
- slider gallery
- swipe support on slideshow
- new blog layout: without sidebar
- iphone graphic improvements
- facebook integration docs updated
- number of small fixes and improvements

updated files:
pretty much all <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :)" title=" :)" />

19.06.2014 – version 1.2.3

- Twitter Widget updated to work with Twitter 1.1 API
- CSS fixed for IE8
- lazyload improvements

updated files:
js/tweetie (new), js/big_gallery.js, js/twitter-config.php (new)
css/light.css, css/dark_ie.css (new), css/light_ie.css (new)
bg-tweet-widget.php, bg-popular-posts-widget.php, inc/enqueue-files.php, inc/shortcodes.php

23.04.2014 – version 1.2.2

 - shortcodes editor updated to work with WP 3.9
updated file:

06.03.2014 – version 1.2.1

 - ability to specify original video size for more accurate resizing
 - custom javascript field in theme options
 - support for new Google Maps embed code
 - documentation updates
updated files:
inc/theme-options.php, inc/custom-template.php, header.php, footer.php, template-video.php

19.10.2013 – version 1.2.0

- lazy loading for slider and gallery images added
- custom html field in menu added
- image fallback for video page background for mobile device
- fixed special chars encoding bug in contact form 
updated files:
php/validate.php, inc/shortcodes.php, inc/enqueue-files.php, inc/theme-options.php, template-slider.php, header.php, footer.php
js/big_gallery.js, js/lazyload
css/media-queries.css, css/css.css

21.09.2013 – version 1.1.0

- added social sharing option for slider and gallery photos.
- simplemodal plugin updated (compatibility problem with IE after latest WP update)
updated files:
css/css.css, css/media-queries.css, style.css, js/big_gallery.js, js/simplemodal/js/jquery.simplemodal.js, template-slider.php, image.php, single.php, header.php, footer.php, inc/theme-options.php, inc/shortcodes.php, documentation

11.09.2013 – version 1.0.1

- optional CAPTCHA added to contact form.
- resizing problem with logo in png format
- IMDb social icon added
- minor visual changes and fixes
updated files:
style.css, css/media-queries.css, css/css.css, js/big_gallery.js, js/validate.js
header.php, template-contact.php, inc/theme-options.php, inc/custom-template.php, php/securimage, php/validate.php, img/icons/social/imdb.png, documentation


- filterable gallery bug fixed
- more social icons added
- shadow under "checkbox" removed.
updated files: inc/shortcodes.php, inc/theme-options.php, header.php, js/big_gallery.js


- documentation update
- video page issue on iPhone fixed
- contact form now resets after sending email
updated files css/media_queries.css, js/validate.js

Take a look at BIG Countdown

If you like Big Gallery, you must take a look at BIG Countdown, the coming soon page, wich works great with Big Gallery.

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HTML/CSS version of Big Gallery you can find here: BIG Gallery Site Template.

Check also:

Apartment HTML – Real Estate Multi/Single Property:
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