Note: Before buying make sure your server and php version are matching with the system requirements. Read the requirements carefully or You can ask support
Mulan – Resume / CV CMS
is a PHP system developed to build your cv or resume,
It comes with clean, secured, responsive, SEO friendly & trendy look design.
You can easily add your Services, Experiences, Skills, Portfolios & Blogs without any coding skills.
This script help you to promote yourself and your business.
It’s suitable for Freelancer, Coder, Photographer, Designer, …
Try Before You Buy
Website Demo:
Admin Panel Account:
Password: 123456
- Security
- Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
- Built on powerful CodeIgniter Framework that has been tried and tested by millions of developers.
- Passwords are encrypted using PHPass library to make sure your data is safe.
- Admin Panel
- Flexible control panel system with full options.
- Only admin role can login admin panel.
- Change website settings(name, logo, favicon, map key, google analytics,recaptcha key settings, and more…).
- Change website +10 colors (red, blue, orange, green ,pink, …).
- Change website Language(English or Arabic).
- Change website Direction(LTR or RTL).
- Change General settings(appear and disappear widgets).
- Change website SEO settings (meta description).
- Change Contact information (email, phone,address,…).
- Change About you details (profile picture, description,summery,…).
- Change +20 Social media links.
- Create unlimited articles and its categories and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create unlimited Projects and its categories and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create unlimited Work History and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create unlimited Education History and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create unlimited Skills and its categories and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create unlimited Testimonial and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create unlimited Clients and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create unlimited Pricing Plans and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- Create Unlimited Services and manage it (add, edit, delete, view).
- View and Delete Messages from your clients(You will also receive this message at your email).
- Admin control displaying each section in website like(Clients, Testimonials, Blog, Portfolio, Services, ).
- Admin manage appointments and and Receive requests appointments .
- Admin control his appointments by display on/off the day and time.
- Ability to display on / off Chat script
- Ability to display on / off pricing plans section and each individual plan.
- Admin can choose light mode or dark mode for website
- Totally with this admin panel can manage and control every thing appear in website with full option.
- Key Features
- Supported Google Analytics
- Supported Google Recaptcha
- RTL Supported for website and admin panel.
- Disqus Comments with awesome reactions and more…
- There are 10+ color for website.
- There are 20+ Social media.
- Easy to install and usability(without any coding knowledge needed).
- Awesome Design for Website and admin panel
- Fully Responsive for Website and admin panel
- Clean Code with hight performance.
- Easy Customization
- Friendly with SEO.
- High performance.
- Well Documentation we explained each point in details.
- Crisp Chat script
- Light and Dak mode for website.
- Sitemap.
- More features will coming up.
- Trendy website interface included.
- Home page with
- About You Summary.
- Resume included(Work history, Education history, Skills).
- Testimonial(Your clients feedback.
- Slider for your clients.
- Latest Blog posts.
- Projects.
- Contact information and social media links.
- Contact form that helps your clients to reach or hire you.
- List of appointments availability and not availability (days and time).
- booking an appointment form.
- Pricing Plans.
- Single page for all blog posts with widgets(search post, categories, popular posts, latest posts)
- Single page for blog post with widgets(search post, categories, related posts, latest posts, tags)
- Single Page for Project with project details and related projects widget.
- Home page with
- Backend Framework: Built on CodeIgniter version 3
- Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap
- Requires PHP 5.6 to 7.2
- Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
- Supports PHP Mail()
- Code Editing Software (eg: Dreamweaver, Sublime Text or Notepad
- Web Browser for testing (eg: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox)
- FTP Tool to upload files to Server (eg: FileZilla).
- Read documentation carefully to guide you how to install application.
– Provide excellent support with a fast response rate just contact us.
– If you have any trouble contact us.
Version 2.4 – (Released: 27 April 2023):
1- Adding Sitemap 2- More features for SEO (Robots, Meta Twitter, og, Meta Keywords, Meta Descriptions)
Version 2.3.2 – (Released: 28 August 2021):
1- Adding more features for CKEditor.
Version 2.3.1 – (Released: 24 August 2021):
1- Fixing issue.
Version 2.3 – (Released: 08 August 2021):
1- Fixing design issue in Dark Mode. 2- Ability to display on / off Appointments section. 3- Pricing Plans. 4- Ability to display on / off Pricing Plans section.
Version 2.2.1 – (Released: 22 October 2020):
1- Fixing design issue in RTL version.
Version 2.2 – (Released: 5 October 2020):
New Features:: 1- Choose Light Mode or Dark mode from admin panel.
Version 2.1 – (Released: 27 August 2020):
New Features:: 1- Able / Disable Disqus Comments. 2- Adding Chat script "Crisp". 3- Able / Disable Crisp Chat.
Version 2.0 – (Released: 12 June 2020):
New Features:: 1- Appointments Module. 2- Requested Appointments module. 3- Adding whastapp in "Social media accounts". 4- Meta description for blog post. 5- Meta description for portfolio project.
Version 1.2 – (Released: 21 June 2019):
New Features:: 1- Adding Google Recaptcha to contact form. 2- Admin control displaying sections of website like(Fun facts, Testimonials, Resume, Services, Clients, Blog, Portfolio, Contact form). 3- Admin control displaying on / off for article. 4- Admin control displaying on / off for project. 5- Adding Google Analytics. Updated:: 2- Changing order of appearance to work history and education history. 2- Remove google+ social media and sharing with google plus. 3- Removing meta keywords that's not become useful for SEO. 4- Google map key changed from admin panel settings. 5- Database Updated. 6- Translation Updated.
Version 1.1 – (Released: 28 May 2019):
1- Adding direction based on language. 2- Gradient colors for layout. 3- Appear company name and school name 4- Fixing responsive issue. 5- Disqus username changed from setting
Version 1.0 – (Released: 29 March 2019):
- Initial Version
Reach US:
Best Regards, Marwa El-Manawy
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