Mokka – Minimal & Elegant WordPress Blog


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Mokka is a responsive, minimalist, flexible and modern WordPress Blog. From a clean white color scheme (with a accent color of choice) & multiple page layouts which all remain sophisticated and simple. Everything definitely brings a certain elegance.

Mokka - Minimal & Elegant WordPress Blog - 1


  • Mega Menu You can arrange the Mega Drop Down menu with post and links
  • Responsive Layout: Now know that visitors to your site will have the best experience without any importance of witch device they’re using
  • SEO Optimized: Start with SEO in the right direction. unPress is designed to be appetizing to search eng ines and have a good ranking.
  • Contact Form 7 Support: Manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
  • Post Formats: Support for WordPress Custom Post Formats is built right into the theme with unique styling and options to handle your content.
  • Translation Ready: Translate into any language you wish using the included .po/.mo files. Everything you need to get started with multi language.
  • Powerful Admin Panel: Customizable without using any line of code. Uploading your logo, changing color and much more at your finger tips.
  • Font Icons: Unique , scalable and vector icons comes with the Roundicons font icon. Scalable vector graphics means every icon looks awesome at any size.
  • Fullscreen images galleries: Lightbox supported fullscreen images. Perfect for photo magazine, fashion bloggers, etc…
  • Touch Friendly Lightbox: Lightbox supported for mobile devices. You can scroll images with your fingers.
  • Categories Layouts: With a lot of options you can give unique style to your website pages.
  • Static Pages: Two static page layout with and without sidebar.
  • Post Options: Post customization at your finger tips. Each post can be shown in different ways.
  • Single Post Options: Many options to turn on/off like related posts, author box, etc…
  • Custom Widgets: The theme comes with a collection of custom widgets that you can use and customize.
  • Clean and Valid Code: Clean code is a must for us. The theme has been developed supporting web-standards and conform to W3C and WordPress guidelines.
  • Unlimited Color: With a color picked will be very easy and quickly to change colors of your website.
  • Google Fonts and Default System Fonts: The theme comes with 600+ fonts from Google font library and default system fonts.
  • Custom Styles: If you need more customization you can add your own CSS directly form your admin panel.
  • Well Documented: Complete documentation and constantly updated will make your life easier during the customization of your website.
  • Demo XML: Dummy data included in the package so will be easy to start with a solid demo.

Child Theme Support

A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify, or add to the functionality of that parent theme. A child theme is the safest and easiest way to modify an existing theme, whether you want to make a few tiny changes or extensive changes. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.


Mokka comes with 12 custom widgets

  1. Most Liked Post: You can diplsy post and custom post types
  2. Most Viewd Post: You can diplsy post and custom post types
  3. About the site: Display info about your magazine, such a logo, text and social profiles.
  4. Featured Posts: Show featured posts list or slider, defined in post edit page
  5. Latest Comments: The most latest comments with comment author tumbnail
  6. Latest Posts: Display latest posts as slider or list.
  7. Video: Add videos from Vimeo, YouTube, etc.
  8. Image Ad: Display banner images
  9. Code Ad: Display Google Adsense or JS banners
  10. Flickr: Show photos from Flickr.
  11. Instagram: Show photos from Instagram.
  12. Twitter feeds: A widget that shows latest tweets from twitter profile

Force Regenerate Thumbnails ? Usefull if your site already have a lot of content and images. Allows you to delete all old images size and regenerate the thumbnails for your image attachments.

Contact Form 7 ? Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.

Extra: PSDs included (10$ value)

The package also include 9 well layerd PSD’s:

  1. mokka [homepage] v1.psd (Double sidebar on right)
  2. mokka [homepage] v2.psd (Double sidebar on left and right)
  3. mokka [homepage] v3.psd (Full width blog)
  4. mokka [homepage] v4.psd (One sidebar)
  5. mokka [homepage] v5.psd (Masonry Layout)
  6. mokka [single] v1.psd (Double sidebar on right)
  7. mokka [single] v2.psd (Double sidebar on left and right)
  8. mokka [single] v3.psd (Full width blog)
  9. mokka [single] v4.psd (One sidebar)

Fonts used in the demo are Prata and Lato
Icons by Roundicons

Mokka v2.0 ? Released on March 16th, 2022

[New] WordPress 5.9.2 compatibility 
[New] PHP 8+ compatibility 
[Improved] Overall PHP code
[Improved] Overall CSS, HTML code.
[Fixed] All reported bugs from clients.

Mokka v1.7.1 ? Released on April 25, 2016

[NEW] XML demo content
[FIXED] Some CSS issue

Mokka v1.7 ? Released on April 24, 2016

[NEW] Default category archive layout theme options
[NEW] Exclude posts by category for Latest posts section
[NEW] Optimised images sizes for better website load speed
[UPDATE] Compatible with WordPress 4.5
[UPDATE] Moved post title on top in single post layout 4
[UPDATE] Author image avatar rounded
[UPDATE] Author widget text centered 
[UPDATE] Mobile layout of Most Liked widget
[UPDATE] Mobile layout of Most commented widget
[UPDATE] Mobile header layout
[FIXED] Comment default avatar disappear problem
[FIXED] Most Commented Posts widget
[FIXED] Some CSS issue
[FIXED] Some responsive issues

Mokka v1.6 ? Released on April 21st

[NEW] Exclude posts by category in latest posts section and featured posts section
[NEW] Stumbleupon post share button
[FIXED] Instagram Widget
[FIXED] Post auto slider issue

Mokka v1.4.6 ? Released on November 5th

[FIXED] Video issue on Chrome

Mokka v1.4.5 ? Released on October 16th

[FIXED] Z-index issue on primary nav menu

Mokka v1.4.4 ? Released on October 15th

[FIXED] Z-index issue on primary nav menu

Mokka v1.4.3 ? Released on October 14th

[FIXED] Visualization error on fullscreen video

Mokka v1.4.2 ? Released on September 14th

[FIXED] Latest post section exlude posts disapear issue
[FIXED] Sections layout issue when use more then one row
[FIXED] Compatibility with CodeStyling Localization plugin
[FIXED] Add some missing translation strings

Mokka v1.4.1 ? Released on August 31th

[NEW] Default sidebar option for existing posts 
[NEW] Exclude specific post option for latest posts section in page composer 
[NEW] Exclude specific post option for featured posts section in page composer 
[NEW] 3 and 4 column footer option 
[FIXED] CSS issue in andriod devices

Mokka v1.4 ? Released on August 21th

[FIXED] Instagram widget 
[FIXED] Visualisation issue on android mobile devices

Mokka v1.3.9 ? Released on August 6th

[FIXED] Most like widget thumbnail 
[FIXED] Mega menu issue with existing content 
[CHANGED] get_the_permalink() to get_permalink() in functions.php line number 125 

Mokka v1.3.8 ? Released on July 15th

[NEW] Random theme option for related posts 
[FIXED] meta data, author box, tags enable/disable issue in single post layout 3 
[FIXED] little animation issue

Mokka v1.3.7 ? Released on July 10th

[NEW] Wysiwyg Editor section is Page Composer 
[NEW] Home link in sticky logo

Mokka v1.3.6 ? Released on July 8th

[FIXED] Css issue

Mokka v1.3.5 ? Released on July 6th

[FIXED] Css issue

Mokka v1.3.4 ? Released on July 4th

[FIXED] Icons issue

Mokka v1.3.3 ? Released on July 4th

[FIXED] Menu issue 
[FIXED] Css issue

Mokka v1.3.2 ? Released on July 3rd

[FIXED] Mobile nav issue

Mokka v1.3.1 ? Released on July 3rd

[FIXED] Sticky nav logo 

Mokka v1.3 ? Released on July 2nd

[NEW] Sticky Nav
[NEW] Shortcodes
[FIXED] Right sidebar 

Mokka v1.2 ? Released on June 27th

[FIXED] Css issues 
[IMPROVED] Menu slider css

Mokka v1.1 ? Released on June 27th

[NEW] Added Page Composer functionalities 
[NEW] Added Page Composer section Grid/Slider 
[NEW] Added Page Composer section Latest by Category 
[NEW] Added Page Composer section Latest Posts 
[NEW] Added Page Composer section Featured Posts 
[NEW] Added Page Composer section Latest by Format 
[NEW] Added Page Composer section Code box 
[FIXED] Some CSS issues Many thanks, Favethemes

Mokka v1.0 ? Released on June 26th

Initial version v 1.0

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