How zoom live consultation works
- Obtain api keys from your zoom account and save them in super admin > settins > zoom settings
- Doctors create a zoom meeting for live consultations
- Get the meeting’s id, password and save it in live consultation section settings
- Patients will book an appointment for specific doctors and need to pay for online consultation using paypal/stripe
- Doctors will start their meeting in zoom app just before the scheduled time
- While patients tries joining in the live consultation, Doctors need to approve their requests
- After approval, doctors will see the patient in live streaming video consultation
- During the live video consultation, they can communicate with chat option in zoom
- They can leave the meeting anytime after the finishing of the live consultation
Key Features:
- Easy Integration & Customization
- Standard secured & clean code
- Fully Responsive Design
- SEO Optimized & SEO-Friendly URL
- Fronted website
- Manage website with unlimited features & pages
- Manage pricing packages & features
- Pricing plan enable/disable with limit options
- Manage Contact Messages
- Manage Users
- Manage FAQs
- Manage Blogs with category
- Cash flow chart reports
- Net Incomes
- reCaptcha enable / disable option
- Email verification enable / disable option
- Paypal payment enable / disable option
- Stripe payment enable / disable option
- Registration enable / disable option
- Blogs enable / disable option
- Users enable / disable option
- Google Analytics
- SMTP email with PHPMailer library
- Google reCaptcha attached with (Register & Contacts forms with enable or disable option)
- Advanced settings option
- Admin, User, Staff & Patient panel
- Multiuser & Multi staff options
- Membership System with 3 packages
- Paypal payment system
- Stripe payment system
- Create & manage chambers
- Create & manage staffs
- Create & manage patients
- Create & manage diagnosis
- Create & manage advises
- Create & manage additional advises
- Create & manage diagnosis tests
- Create & manage drugs
- Create & manage prescriptions
- Create & manage appointments
- Set schedule for appointments
- Manage profile with education & experiences
- Print prescriptions
- Auto generate serial numbers for appointments
- Date wise appointment serials
- Ajax secure Authentication
- Jquery Data tables & form validations
- Sweetalert & toast notification with ajax
- Detailed Documentation with commented code
- Totally Secure System
- Advanced Settings Options with Enable or Disable options
- Change Logo, Favicon, Home hero image, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
- Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard & no need any coding skills
- Runs on PHP 7.0+
There are various mechanisms to secure application. These mechanisms are:
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
- Output Escaping
- Password Hashing
Update version 2.1 – 7 May 2024
- Added Staff Role Permissions - Added PWA (Progressive Web Apps) - Added Twilio API to send SMS - Added WhatsApp API (Ultramsg) to send whatsapp Notification - Added Blogs on Doctors Profile - Added Services on Doctors Profile - Fixed some minor bugs - Improve site functionalities
Update version 2.0 – 3 October 2023
- Added payouts and commission module (available with extended license) - Added affiliate system module (available with extended license) - Added custom domain for doctors profile - Improved & re-organize dashboard menus - Fixed some small issues - Improve site functionalities
Update version 1.9 – 13 May 2023
- Added doctors certificate/documents verification system - Added doctors verify badge on frontend - Added bulk drugs upload option - Improved dashboard responsive issues - Improved department duplicate name issues - Updated zoom api sdk versions
Update version 1.8 – 12 November 2022
- Added user plan update option on admin panel > payment settings > offline payment - Added notes on prescription - Added ml for liquid drug measurement - Added country in users profile & front end experts page - Fixed some small issues - Improve functionalities
Update version 1.7 – 18 June 2022
-Added Mercadopago payment gateway (Payment gateways are only available for extended license holders) -Added Reminder mail before expire plans -Added Google meet for doctors video consultation -Added default video meeting set option for doctor -Added doctor signature on prescriptions -Added workflow manage option on admin panel -Added booking confirmation notification for patients & doctors -Fixed patient prescription history issue -Fixed paystack user email issue -Improved dashboard -Improved & redesign doctor consultation settings page
Update version 1.6 – 15 January 2022
-Added Paystack payment gateway -Added QR code for doctors profile page -Added city for doctors search -Added online/offline consultation type in doctor panel -Fixed appointment serial id issue -Fixed patient email link password issue -Fix some minor issues -Improve design & functionalities
Update version 1.5 – 3 September 2021
-Added Razorpay Payment -Added patient prescriptions history -Fix some minor issues -Fix payment enable/disable issue
Update version 1.4 – 5 April 2021
-Update Zoom SDK version -Fix appointment booking date issue -Fix admin panel responsive issues
Update version 1.3 – 18 March 2021
-Added day wise multiple time slots for appointment booking -Added new layout in admin panel -Added users transactions lists in admin panel -Added users payment invoice option -Added payments lists and invoice in doctors panel -Added features & days value for translation -Added Added new booking calender in doctors profile -Fix email duplication for staff & patients -Fix zoom mobile issue -Fix view prescription from consultation -Fix zoom meeting join button issue from patient panel -Improve design in doctors profile page
Update version 1.2 – 25 January 2021
-Added free trial days option -Added Multilingual System -Added RTL option -Added rating & review system -Added offline payment for patient -Added patient historical data upload option -Fix patient add issue -Fix some design issues -Improve booking option
Update version 1.1 – 8 November 2020
-Added Zoom meeting -Added online consultation -Added paypal & stripe payment method for doctors to receive consultation fees -Added new booking system for patients in doctors profile page -Added prescription diagnosis reports in patients panel -Added prescription diagnosis feedback option for doctors panel -Fix registration bugs -Fix some css issues -Improve functionalities
Initial release version 1.0 – 8 October 2020
There are some requirements to work on your server. These requirements are:
- PHP >= 7+
- cUrl
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