Hostme v2 – Responsive WordPress Theme


Hostme v2 Responsive WordPress Theme - 1
Hostme v2 Responsive WordPress Theme - 2
Hostme v2 Responsive WordPress Theme - 3 Hostme v2 Responsive WordPress Theme - 4
Hostme v2 Responsive WordPress Theme - 5

Hostme v2 is clean and minimal responsive design built with HTML5 & CSS3 coding and easy to use Shortcodes with loads of features in it. After hard work of our team we have implemented many features in this theme which makes your project easier and better than before and can be used for multipurpose websites such as hosting, business, portfolio, and other as well.

The main content block is placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position, so it is crawled first by search engines, so it’s SEO Optimized. Hostme v2 has tons of features like Sliders on any page. Unlimited colors, Unlimited portfolios without or with sidebars, Sortable Portfolio, 500+ Google fonts, 9 custom widgets and much much more…

Theme Features List

  • Flex Slider
  • Business Hours Plugin worth $12
  • Planbox Slider Specially Designed for Hosting
  • Static Image Slider
  • Set Static Image with or without external link
  • Video Stage Slider
  • Video Slider Supports Shortcodes.
  • Supports YouTube and Vimeo too.
  • 2 Header Styles
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • 350+ Icons from Fontawesome
  • Portfolio Display Order (ID, name, count, menu order )
  • Normal Portfolios
    • 1 column portfolio
    • 2 column portfolio
    • 3 column portfolio
    • 4 column portfolio
    • Normal portfolio with sidebar
  • 4 Portfolio Types (Image, Sideshow, Video)
  • Sortable Portfolio
    • 1 column sortable
    • 2 column sortable
    • 3 column sortable
    • 4 column sortable
    • Sortable portfolio with sidebar
  • Events Custom Post Type
  • Events list template
  • Events list carousel
  • Events Single Page
  • Portfolio Carousel
  • Testimonial Carousel
  • Left Sidebar option
  • Right Sidebar option
  • Full width page option
  • Assign Slider to any page.
  • Disable breadcrumb for any page you wish
  • Use Left/Sidebar for any page you wish
  • Add Subheader background color for any page
  • Choose Subheader background image or color for any page.
  • Add Background Image for any page.
  • 500+ Google Web Fonts
  • Staff Presentation Shortcodes
  • Unlimited Sociable’s
  • Widgetized Footer
  • Feature Box Shortcode with Custom Icon
  • Services with fontawesome icon Shortcode
  • Services with custom icon shortcode
  • Google Custom Font Shortcode
  • Custom Admin Login Logo
  • Sound Cloud Shortcode HTML Type
  • Sound Cloud Shortcode Flash Type
  • Progress Bar Horizontal
  • Progress Bar Circled
  • Custom Font Face Uploader
  • Google Map Styler with custom colors
  • Custom Slider Option where you can add 3rd Party Sliders.
  • Demo Spacer Shortcode with margins
  • New Fancybox Shortcode
  • 4 Dividers Thin, Fat, Dotted & Dashed
  • Divider with Custom Colors
  • Blog Post Meta ON/OFF in theme options panel
  • Blog Post Meta ON/OFF in blog post Shortcode.
  • Sliders Multiple Categories Selector
  • Framed Box Shortcode with 2 Styles
  • Fancy Ampersand Shortcode
  • Highlight Styles
  • Full width Section Layout with Background Colors
  • Testimonial Lists Display
  • Sticky Bar on top
  • 7 Custom Widgets
    • Twitter
    • Flickr
    • Popular Posts
    • Recent Posts
    • Contact Info
    • Contact Form
    • Sociable’s
    • Testimonials
    • Testimonials Submission
  • Custom Post Type
    • Portfolio
    • Testimonials
    • Events
    • Slider
  • Multi Threaded Comments
  • 100’s of Custom Shortcodes
  • Portfolio Single Page with Attachment Sliders
  • 9 Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Image, Gallery, Quote, Status, Video)
  • Built in Shortcodes Generator.
  • Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export for options settings.)
  • Blog Style Layout
  • Custom Backgrounds
    • Header
    • Sub header
    • Footer
    • Teaser
  • Stretched and Boxed Layout
  • Google Map shortcode (Multiple Marker)
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Child Theme Compatible
  • Localization ready
  • WordPress MU Compatible
  • WordPress 3.8.1 Ready

Updates Change log

## 6.0.1 – 2021-04-08

- Sanitized HTML strings
- Removed registered theme support menu as deprecated by WP
- Removed Widgets from theme and added as a separate plugin
- Removed twitter class as its not supported anymore for this theme
- Added sanitized allowed html tags supporting for theme options
- Added wp_body_open() function in body
- Sanitized javascript for the jplayer HTML
- Fixed theme options loading blank since WP 5.3
- Fixed jquery deprecated functions issue
- Fixed theme demo installations not loading
- Fixed theme demo import failed to load data
- Fixed google maps not loading over ssl sites
- Removed Business Hours Pro plugin as its no longer supported
- Updated images resize functions to compatible with php7.4
- Updated slider revolutions to version 6.4.6
- Removed flickr widget and shortcode
- Updated child theme to the latest version
- Fixed functions.php Modified to make it sanitized.
- Added Shortcodes moved to Hostmev2 Custom Widgets Plugin
- Added new body_class() missing function
- Updated header.php file with the latest version
- Fixed CSS Issues in style.css file
- Changed All the textdomains and replaced with 'hostmev2'
- Removed unwanted edit_post_link functions in pages and posts
- Fixed Sample Theme Options not importing
- Fixed page pagination missing from single post and page
- Fixed register_post_type for theme options placed in the hostmev2 custom widgets plugin

* Kindly make changes to the child theme files carefully *

## 5.5 – 2018-01-25

Fixed: Code Indentation in header file to load sliders faster
Fixed: Columns issue with layouts in new mobile devices
Fixed: Search domain display issue on mobile devices
Fixed: Flexslider caption issue with width in mobile devices
Fixed: Services Icon Boxes issue with mobile devices
Fixed: Services Icon Boxes issue with iPad devices
Fixed: Blockquote issue with citation alignments and spacings
Fixed: FancyToggle line height issue with toggle
Fixed: Icons with small,medium,large,xlarge,xxlarge line heights
Fixed: Removed forced background color for theme default color styling
Updated: Business Hours Pro to v5.2
Updated: Slider Revolution to v5.4.6.4
Updated: Optimized custom jquery
Fixed: Sticky Topbar issue when admin bar is enabled
Updated: Woocommerce template updates for the product single page
Fixed: Shop page columns issue
Removed: unwanted columns issue with custom woocommerce css 

## 5.0.2 – 2017-02-26

Updated: Business Hours Pro to v4.1.0
Fixed: wrong demo data for the theme.
Fixed: wrong demo options for the theme.

## 5.0.1 – 2017-02-09

Fixed: Width issue for the featured image in posts since 5.0.0
Fixed: Tables width issue replaced from 1080px to 1170px
Fixed: Post Format Gallery issue with flex slider

## 5.0.0 – 2017-02-08

Updated: New Localization defafult.pot file  …
Removed: deprecated tags from theme info in style.css
Updated: text domains for the frontend and backend.
Fixed: Theme Options Importing issue
Fixed: flex slider animation speed in default options  …
Updated: Default footer widgets from 2 - 4 on activation
Updated: Flexslider v2.4.0  …
Added: Flex Slider Caption option
Added: Flex Slider Caption Alignment
Added: Flex Slider Animation for the caption
Updated: Flex Slider direction nav icons
Added: New One Click Demo Installer
Updated: New Admin User Interface
Fixed: Post type icons to dash icons
Added: FlexSlider caption enable disable option
Updated: datepicker UI Conflict with the breadcrumb NavXT plugin
Updated: scripts enqueue in footer paramenter in head.php
Updated: Loads flex slider script on request.
Removed: deprecated fontawesome css and folder.
Replace Note: 'icon' prefix should be replace with 'fa' now.
Proper enqueue of the WHMCS custom css file
Removed: atpadminnew.css and combined all in atpadmin.css
Updated: Google Fonts - Now total 700+ Google fonts
Fixed: About Author appears if there is no biography
Fixed: prefix and wrap for the breadcrumb navXT Plugin
Fixed: float errors for the breadcrumbs over subheader content alignments,
Removed: Old one click demo installer
Updated: New fontawesome icons for the options panel menu links
Removed: Twitter key options. Should be replaced with any other third party plugins
Updated: Theme Options panel data export and import options
Updated: Slider Revollution to v5.3.1.5
Updated: color codes and default theme installation now showing as demo.
Updated: default list style type to circle from square style.
Updated: default color code #1abc9c replaced with #055bc4
Updated: default fontsize increased from 13px to 15px
Updated: theme layout size increased from 1080px to 1170 pixels
Updated: New superfix menu with clear prefixes and revamped style
Added: New Mobile menu added.
Removed: old mobile menu jquery
Added: Footer Top Area Widget
Added: Footer Bottom Area Widget
Added: Footer Top Bar Left Widget
Added: Footer Top Bar Right Widget
Added: Footer Branches Widget to appear in the copyright right section
Added: Footer Copyright Left Widget
Added: Footer Copyright Right Widget
Added: Custom css name field option for widget
Updated: New fontawesome icons for the contactinfo widget
Added: New Style added style="minimal" attribue for the accordion
Added: New Style added style="minimal" attribue for the toggles
Updated: Services Icons section icons alignment issue for left and right.
Updated: Custom Google Font option for the google font shortcode
Updated: TGM Class Activation Plugin
Updated: WHMCS default css
Added: Prefix for the datepicker UI css
Added: Fancy toggle minimal style
Added: Accordion minimal style
Fixed: several minor issues when viewed in responsive mode
Updated: Theme  Options moved from parent to Appearance tab in admin
Fixed: issue with footer elements and space appearning if there is no content
Removed: unwanted sociable images
Removed: unwanted colorcpicker images
Removed: unwanted ui images
Removed: post type icons and other icons used which are deprecated

/* Child Theme Modification */

Note: Kindly please take a backup of your existing theme and its options and
content and everything before making an update.

## 4.3.0 – 2016-07-28

Updated : Woocommerce templates to the latest versions
Fixed : readmore text string localization
Updated : Version number in style.css
Removed : unwanted post format for the slider post type
Fixed : readmore text localization.
Fixed : sticky header overlapping when admin logged in
Removed : unwanted code from the functions file
Fixed : undefined variable issue for testimonial submission
Updated : textdomain for the footer widgets
Updated : Revolution Slider to v5.2.6
Updated : Business hours pro v3.6.3
Updated : TGMPA class file to the latest version
Updated : TGMPA to the latest version
Fixed : text domains for the shortcode meta options
Fixed : Google enqueue scripts with API Key option
Fixed : text domains for the woocommerce page templates
Added : Google Map API Key option in theme options
Updated : WP_Filesystem function for importing sample data xml
Updated : wordpress importer with fopen and fclose with sanitized functions
Updated : wordpress importer plugin
Updated : correct text domains for the importer plugin
Updated : correct text domains for admin options
Updated : comments string with localization
Updated : remove string with localization for archive
*Child Theme*
Updated : Version to the latest version
Added : Title tag support 
Updated : enqueue the parent and child theme stylesheets
Removed : import the parent theme stylesheet using @import:
Added : child theme support for sections and partial section shortcode

## 4.2.0 – 2016-05-03

Updated : Revolution Slider v5.2.5
Updated : Business Hours Pro v3.5.2
Updated : Breadcrumb Navxt v5.4.0
Updated : WHMCS Bridge v3.5.1
Updated : CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids v10.4
Added : New Shortcode Tabbed Section Scroller
Fixed : Minor issue with theme options not saving
Modified : WHMCS Templates

## 4.1.0 – 2015-11-19

Added : Woocommerce shopping cart icon in header style 1
Added : Woocommerce shopping cart icon in header style 2
Added : Tabs Nav Section for hosting specifications.
Updated : Revolution Slider v 5.1.3
Updated : Business Hours Pro v 5.2.3

## 4.0.0 – 2015-11-13

Fixed : Fancyheading modified for better performance
Fixed : Services Icon shortcode padding with background color 
Fixed : Line-height issue with fancy heading title.
Added : Fancyheading Border color inheritance with textcolor.
Added : Opacity for the fancy heading description to 0.6
New : Woocommerce Compatibility Integrated
New : Woocommerce with custom sidebar manager
New : WooCommerce Tested with Latest Version
New : WooCommerce Layout with responsive layouts.
Updated : Import Sample Data file
Updated : Options Panel Sample Data file
Updated : Revolution Slider v 5.1.1

## 3.0.0 – 2015-09-02

Fixed : Deprecated php constructors in WordPress 4.3
Added : WHMCS Bridge Basic Plugin
Added : CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids Plugin
Added : Business Hours Pro plugin worth $15
Updated : Separated WHMCS css file in root whmcs.css
Updated : Revolution Slider v5.0.5
Updated : Breadcrumb NavXT v5.2.2
Updated : Theme Options Demo Options Data
Updated : Import Export Sample Content Data
Updated : Import Sample Widgets Data
Updated : New User Interface for the WHMCS v6.0+
Updated : Documentation for the WHMCS Bridge Setup
Removed : Business Hours Basic Plugin

## 2.4.0 – 2015-06-30

Updated : jQuery PrettyPhoto to version 3.1.6
Added : Theme support for title-tag
Updated : Breadcrumb NavXT PLugin
Updated : Revolution Slider Plugin
Updated : TGM Class Activation Plugin
Fixed : Google Font Bad Value Issue
Removed : Google Analytics option removed from theme options panel.
Updated : Fontawesome to 4.3.0
Fixed : Customizer loading empty 
Updated : Footer Sidebar Title changed to Widgets area
Updated : post class filter removed

## 2.3.3 – 2015-01-23

Fixed : Header styling issues with ID selector
Added : new theme options demo added in import options section
Added : Theme Options import options available now
Added : Theme Options export and download the txt file

## 2.3.2 – 2015-01-22

Added : default case for the domain extension.
Added : 1 Click installation for the theme sample data.
Added : 1 Click installation for the theme options
Added : Import Export Options Data
Fixed : Child theme bug issue.
Fixed : WordPress 4.1 compatibility for taxonomies
Fixed : categories issues with WordPress recent updates.
Updated : Breadcrumb-navxt plugin to the latest version

## 2.3.1 – 2015-01-21

Added : Domain Finder default extension added.
Added : Empty paragraph elements display none.
Fixed : Compatibility with WordPress 4.1
Fixed : The efficiency of meta and tax queries has been improved.
Fixed : Child theme bugs in the recent updates.
Updated : Compressed more javascript files for better performance.

## 2.3.0 – 2014-12-24

New - Domain Search Shortcode for WHMCS Plugin
New - Complete revamp of the responsive css
New - Mobile menu changed to the new version
Added - Domain Search Option tab
Added - Domain Search extention options
Added - Domain Search checker URL option
Added - Simple Featured Class for the pricing table
Added - iPhone 5s Responsive css
Added - iPhone 4s responsive css
Added - Destop regular sizes responsive css
Added - Very Small mobile devices respnsive css
Added - CSS for WHMCS clients login area
Added - WHMCS css for widgets
Added - filter to add last-post class
Added - Pricing Table Columns now can be added by shortcode
Added - Progress bar shortcode animation works on scroll
Added - Services Icons sizes option in shortcode
Added - Services Icons alignment option in shortcode
Added - Fancyheading alignment option in shortcode
Added - Fancyheading extra headings styles in shortcode
Added - Responsive CSS for domain search shortcode
Fixed - Undefined Variables
Fixed - Planbox Button shortcode disappears on mouseout
Fixed - Blog Template Pagination fixed
Fixed - Blog page last post border removed
Fixed - Accordion true by default
Fixed - Blockquote Citation CSS Alignent
Fixed - Google Map Hybrid not displaying issue
Fixed - Testimonial shortcode display by categories
Fixed - disabling subheader showing still issue
Fixed - Header fixed layout in mobile devices issue
Updated - prefixes changed from 'atp' to 'iva' in head.php
Updated - Header elements changed to work on all devices
Removed - unwanted jquery enqueue in the flex slider shortcode

## 2.2.0 – 2014-11-11

Updated - Sanitized the Data Validation query in functions.php
Updated - wp_title filter to modify the output
Fixed - Security vulnerability fixes in admin-interface.php
Fixed - Fixed undefined variables
Updated - Options Panel Admin UI fuild layout
Fixed - Deprecated get_theme_data() removed.
Fixed - alignment center for the sociables on staff
Removed - edit page link from page and stretched template
Updated - compress the page meta options ui.

## 2.0.2 – 2014-08-15

Fixed : Child Theme Activation bug with empty space.

## 2.0.1 – 2014-08-13

Updated : Revolution Slider to Version 4.5.95
Updated : Child Theme Extendibility
Fixed : Shortcode complete folder for add function exists
Fixed : Screenshot disappear in themes core function
Fixed : Portfolio Skills as tags lists in singe portfolio page
Updated : Header vertically alignment to center
Added : Increase header height from theme options panel
Updated : Scroll to top icon disabled in Mobile Devices
Fixed : Menu Hover background color
Fixed : Menu Hover Text background color
Fixed : functions.php file modified for child theme extendibility

## 2.0 – 2014-07-17

Fixed : Background Attachment scroll in Chrome
Added : Deviant sociable option added in staff box shortcode
Updated : Revolution Slider - Version 4.5.95
Fixed : Business Hours plugin deprecated function issue
Added : Stickybar bottom border
Fixed : Twitter API updated
Fixed : Topbar responsive text alignment
Fixed : Fixed-Header responsive menu fixed 
Updated : Admin User Interface

## 1.7.6 – 2014-04-04

Fixed : Section Background Color messup
Updated : Section Background Overlay changed
Added : Sticky Bar enable/disable by default
Added : Price Tables Shortcode Textcolor atrribute
Fixed : Menu parent Hover Color issue

## 1.7.5 – 2014-03-28

Updated : Slider Revolution to latest version 4.2
Updated : Admin UI Changed and Loading more faster
Added : Section Video Background Shortcode
Fixed : Section Background Color Property Missing
Added : New Admin Interface
Updated : Testimonial Pagination working if is frontpage
Updated : Carousel Events Pagination working if is frontpage
Updated : Carousel Blog Pagination working if is frontpage
Fixed : Options Panel Break on few plugins
Updated : Prefix Added for the Options Framework

## 1.7.4 – 2014-02-27

Fixed : Missing Menu in Phones when Fixed Header is Selected
Fixed : wrong testimonial website name post meta
Updated : Slider Revolution 4.2 

## 1.7.3 – 2014-02-17

Fixed : Testimonial Missing Website/Company Name

## 1.7.2 – 2014-02-13

Fixed : Header Issue in Mobile Landscape and Portrait Mode
Fixed : Fixed-Header Menu disappearance in responsive mode.
Updated : Added new fontawesome icons
Updated : Missing code in modernizer.js

## 1.7.1 – 2014-01-28

Fixed : Testimonials Fade Speed default value.
Fixed : Missed Fixed Header Option in theme options

## 1.7 – 2014-01-20

Added : Testimonials Speed Option in Theme Options
Added : NEW Fixed Header Style

## 1.6 – 2014-01-01

Fixed: Child theme compatibility.
Fixed: Lazy load for the backend
Added: add_filter for theme options
Added: add_filtershortcode meta
Fixed: Testimonial Submission Content missing
NEW: Breadcrumb-Plus plugin replaced with Breadcrumb Navxt

## 1.5 – 2013-12-03

Fixed: Menu active link color issue 
Fixed: Testimonial form submission widget error
Fixed: Undefined variable color issue
Fixed: Color picker Image path in admin.css
Fixed: Logo alignment issue in Mobile Portrait/Landscape view
Fixed: Blog shortcode single category posts select issue
Fixed: “Topbar Background” and “Topbar Text” color issue in header 1
Added: Google Map shortcode visibility checkbox field
Added: Google font preview in Theme Option Panel
Added: Portfolio column grids css code in style.css
Changed: Sidebar widget title replaced h2 to h4 in skin.php
Changed: Post meta style function changed in atp_generator.php
Changed: Time duration 3000 to 6000 has changed in testimonial.php
Updated: Buttons shortcode css updated in shortcode.css
Updated: Image shortcode has revamped
Updated: Portfolio shortcode has revamped

## 1.4 – 2013-11-24

Added : Light Skin for the theme
Added : 11 Google Web Fonts
Udpated : Revolution Slider to v4.0
Added : Black/White Sociable Icons option in shortcode
Added : Black/White Sociable Icons option in widget
Added : Admin Interface Changed with New Icons

## 1.3.1 – 2013-10-11

Fixed : White screen on theme activation
Added : Added New sample data xml file with custom animation

## 1.3 – 2013-10-09

Fixed : Custom Animation Shortcode Not working
Added : 25 More custom animation effects
Updated : Documentation file typo fixes
Tested :  WHCMS Compatibility tested.

## 1.2.1 – 2013-09-22

Added : 15 PSD Templates

## 1.2 – 2013-09-11

Removed: Nivo Slider CSS enqueue from head.php
Removed: Unwanted code from skin.php
Fixed: Footer widget column display issue
Fixed: Single portfolio Image alignment if image is small
Fixed: Duplicate menu and footer skin color properties
Fixed: Superfish menu dropdown delay speed from "superfish.js" 
Added: New sample data xml file

## 1.1 – 2013-09-05

Updated : WordPress-3.6 compliance
New Feature : CSS3 Animations for the shortcodes in generator
Fixed : WP 3.6 update issues    
Fixed : Services shortcode Title and Icon alignment issue has fixed .
Updated : "Services" and  "Services Icons" css code updated in style.css
Fixed : Messages box close issue ("span.close")
Fixed : Icons shortcode alignment issue. (left, right & center)
Added : CSS3 Animations for the shortcodes in generator

Note : Images used in the live preview is only for live demo and are purchased from shutterstock. We are not responsible for any damage of copyright infringement if you use any of the images used from our live demo.

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