Core is the Minimalist Photography, Portfolio, Personal website Template built with latest WordPress features. Custom Post Type and Image Uploader etc.
- 3 Homepage styles
- Full Screen slideshow for Photo Gallery
- Google Web Fonts Support
- Extensive galleries admin. Support multiple images upload
- 4 Portfolio styles
- 8 Custom Widgets
- Recent Posts
- Popular Posts
- Twitter feed
- Contact Form
- Youtube Video
- Vimeo Video
- Social Media icon
- Flickr photostream
- Styled typography and flexible page columns
- Built-in Many Shortcodes
- Style shortcodes ex. dropcap etc.
- Media shortcades ex. video, slideshow, image gallery etc.
- Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 columns
- Built-in Shortcode Generator plugin
- Custom Post Type support for Portfolios
- WordPress custom menu support
- Blog page single post and comments
- Timthumb automatically thumbnail support
- Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page!
- Contact us page with validation and ready to use PHP mailer
- Unobtrusive jQuery powered effects
- Valid HTML standard
= V1.0 - 11.05.2011 =
* Initial Release
= V1.1 - 01.06.2011 =
* Add image flow portfolio style
= V1.2 - 02.06.2011 =
* Fix upload issue on some browsers randomly (browser cache)
= V1.3 - 23.06.2011 =
* Fix uploaded file randomly delete in some server setting
= V1.4 - 10.07.2011 =
* Update nivoslide shortcode not working, update support WordPress 3.2
= V1.5 - 19.07.2011 =
* Add password protected gallery option.
= V1.6 - 22.07.2011 =
* Fix menu font size slider is not working
= V1.7 - 09.08.2011 =
* Add option to enable/disable full blog post content in blog page.
= V1.8 - 11.08.2011 =
* Update to the latest version of timthumb.
= V2.0 - 22.08.2011 =
* Add video portfolio content.
* Add option to enable/disable gallery image title
= V2.1 - 05.09.2011 =
* Add drag&drop reorder images in gallery feature
* Add option to enable/disable fullscreen slideshow button
= V2.2 - 13.09.2011 =
* Add video background homepage style.
* Add disable right click for image protection.
* Add page font size option.
= V2.3 - 05.10.2011 =
* Fix video portfolio sorting issue from last update.
= V2.4 - 10.10.2011 =
* Add translation ready with po, mo files
* Add social media profiles module for top right content
= V2.5 - 01.11.2011 =
* Add option to enable/disable image reflection.
* Remove youtube link back on fullscreen background video.
= V3.0 - 02.12.2011 =
* Add music support on homepage.
* Add option to enable/disable flow scrollbar.
* Fix video background no sound.
= V3.1 - 08.02.2012 =
* Revised theme documentation. Add more detailed instructions.
= V3.2 - 15.02.2012 =
* Support iPad and iPhone gesture for image gallery.
* Fix paragraph spacing issue.
* Make all social profile icons open in new tab.
= V3.3 - 10.04.2012 =
* Centered theme page layout.
* Fix Twitter widget issue on some server setting.
* Add multiple gallery styles support.
* Add responsive design.
* Add social media sharing on gallery page.
* Update to new theme admin panel.
* Fix Homepage Image Title Issue.
* Update theme manual include new videos tutorials.
= V3.3.1 - 13.04.2012 =
* Fix page with sidebar issue.
= V3.3.2 - 26.04.2012 =
* Fix small image alignment issue.
= V3.3.3 - 29.04.2012 =
* Fix blog post content issue on mobile devices.
= V3.4 - 07.05.2012 =
* Add option to disable thumbnails in fullscreen mode
* Add captcha for contact form for spam protection
= V3.4.1 - 14.05.2012 =
* Add Cyrillic characters support on Google Web Font
= V3.4.2 - 16.05.2012 =
* Fix duplicated contact page content when using jetpack plugin
* Fix Youtube video background not working
= V3.5 - 14.06.2012 =
* Fix gallery upload issue in WordPress 3.4
* Fix contact form widget issue
= V3.6 - 22.11.2012 =
* Fix ft image distorted in category page
* Fix comment avatar display issue
= V3.7 - 12.12.2012 =
* Fix issue in WordPress 3.5
* Improve gallery uploader user interface
= V3.7.1 - 10.01.2013 =
* Fix responsive image height issue
= V4.0 - 16.01.2013 =
* Add fullscreen gallery fix image cropping issue
* Add ken burns gallery option for homepage gallery
* Add gallery shortcode
= V4.1 - 25.01.2013 =
* Improve fullscreen thumbnails experience
= V4.2 - 04.02.2013 =
* Fix image title display issue on WordPress 3.5
* Fix comment author link issue
= V4.3 - 10.02.2013 =
* Add pinterest, instagram and linkedin to Social Profiles module
= V4.4 - 15.02.2013 =
* Fix image lightbox overlay background for white skin option
* Add enable/disable option for auto hiding menu and footer on fullscreen gallery
= V4.4.1 - 19.02.2013 =
* Fix gallery short code conflict with default WordPress
= V4.4.2 - 28.02.2013 =
* Add disable auto hide menu option for Kenburns gallery
= V4.4.3 - 06.03.2013 =
* Fix lightbox's image title colour display issue
= V4.5 - 26.03.2013 =
* Update theme admin security issue
= V4.6 - 14.06.2013 =
* Fix Twitter widget issue due to new Twitter API
= V4.7 - 01.07.2013 =
* Fix session error in password protected page
* Remove Theme Store
= V4.8 - 02.07.2013 =
* Change to centred main menu layout
* Fix logo size on mobile screen resolutions
= V4.9 - 12.07.2013 =
* Fix theme admin saving issue
= V5.0 - 20.07.2013 =
* Add image dragging protection
* Add stretch main menu layout option
* Fix wrong theme version number in WP admin
= V5.1 * 02.08.2013 =
* Fix main menu issue on WordPress 3.6
= V5.1.1 * 26.09.2013 =
* Fix twitteroauth class conflict issue
= V5.1.2 * 04.11.2013 =
* Fix page images responsive layout issue
= V5.1.3 * 13.03.2014 =
* Fix ken burns copyright footer display issue
= V5.1.4 - 18.03.2014 =
* Fix media uploader display issue in gallery admin
= V5.1.5 - 21.08.2014 =
* Fix 4 columns short code responsive issue
= V5.1.6 - 07.09.2014 =
* Fix contact form validation message display issue
= V5.1.7 - 22.09.2014 =
* Fix columns gallery display issue on mobile
= V5.1.8 - 09.10.2014 =
* Fix menu disappear issue on mobile when turn on auto hiding
= V5.1.9 - 28.10.2014 =
* Fix Facebook like button error for some users in gallery page
= V5.2 - 06.01.2015 =
* Update fix for possible security issue with theme contact form
= V5.3 - 27.04.2015 =
* Fix gallery admin issue on WordPress 4.2
* Add feature to gallery admin so it can used already uploaded images
= V5.4 - 29.04.2015 =
* Fix image flow gallery issue in IE11/Wordpress 4.2
= V5.5 - 30.04.2015 =
* Fix gallery admin image order issue on WordPress 4.2
* Fix left/right arrow keyboard issue on image flow gallery
= V5.5.1 - 07.05.2015 =
* Fix google font selections issue from v5.5
= V5.5.2 - 12.08.2015 =
* Fix child theme issue
= V5.5.3 - 27.10.2015 =
* Fix password protected gallery issue
= V5.6 - 08.05.2016 =
* Fix warning messages display when WP_DEBUG is activated on WordPress 4.5
= V5.7 - 07.04.2017 =
* Fix notice issues on WordPress 4.7+
* Add support PHP7
= V5.7.1 - 31.05.2018 =
* Add support https site
= V5.8 - 09.05.2019 =
* Fix Gutenberg media library issue
= V5.9 - 05.06.2019 =
* Check PHP 7.2 compatibility
* Fix Google Maps API Key issue
= V5.9.1 - 09.06.2019 =
* Fix Google Maps script error issue from v5.9
= V6.0 - 13.08.2020 =
* Fix theme setting javascript error with WordPress 5.5
* Add support for WordPress 5.5
= V6.1 - 31.10.2020 =
* Fix theme setting javascript error with WordPress 5.5.2
= V6.2 - 17.01.2021 =
* Fix fullscreen slideshow gallery javascript error with WordPress 5.6
= V6.3 - 28.04.2022 =
* Check PHP 8+ compatibility
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